This is the entrance to the pathway through "Somewhere Over the
Rainbow -- a study in stone, in color and theme without equal or parallel on the face of
the Earth", near Lookout Mountain, in north Phoenix, Arizona.
Mr. Gus Brethauer has been working on this rock garden for decades, adding to
it rock by rock, piece by piece. His father homesteaded the land occupied by the old
town of Montgomery in 1929, and Gus remembers that, "even when I was growing
up, there was a rock pile or two around." A winding, convoluted path here
twists through three acres of what I think is the most amazing testament to one man's
obsession with rocks I have ever seen.
This is not merely a mineral collection, or a geology exhibit, but a theme
park, where collections of rocks from the local area, hundreds of miles away, even
thousands of miles away, form little worlds within a landscape like no other.
Take a few moments and click through all 14 images in this series and get a
feel for it all. I could have taken a thousand pictures, and all together they would
in no way even come close to capturing the whole thing.
Return to the map of "Rock Art in the Valley of
the Sun" for more view locations.
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