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Why "GemLand"?
Well, Arizona is America's leading gem mining state, and we got our start in the
gemstone business.
But now, we offer much more, too! You could say "gems in the sky", "gems of
places", even "gems of wisdom" -- you decide.
Whatever the case,
there is something inside GemLand for you.
Gemstones are rocks, and rocks
are our love and our specialty. There are over 300 pages on our website for you to explore.
Experience Arizona's glittering night skies
in one of our popular Sky Jewels
stargazing sessions!
We cater to resort programs, group
events, and even private parties.
Or venture with us into the Sonoran Desert
sunset, with telescope and star charts, and
discover unforgettable celestial beauty!
GemLand (R) can
be contacted at
We are always on Mountain Standard Time (= UTC-07). Unless otherwise noted, all text, images, and jewelry designs within this
site are
(C) 1995 - 2025
by Richard Allen.
All rights reserved.
Many geological and gemological definitions, and other features in this website,
utilize "pop-up" windows. Please make sure that
JAVASCRIPTING and POP-UPS are ENABLED in your web browser. The site displays best
when viewed at a resolution of 800X600, sitting in a darkened room. Browser? Download FIREFOX for FREE,
and get rid of Internet Explorer and all of its problems!
This website and associated material owes
much to
Roy Chapman Andrews,
Arne Saknussemm,
Don Juan Matus,
Edward Abbey,
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
and Jeff Knaebel -- geologic explorers with a twist. I have learned a great deal from
them all.
Questions about this site or its design? Contact the webmaster.